About Us
Our valuable market expertise and experience helps us to deliver the best “out-of-the-box” production solutions.
AID has positioned itself as
a market leader by
deploying and integrating
the latest imaging equipment
and personalization.

Advanced Image Direct is the premier West Coast production environment for many Fortune 500 companies across the United States. AID has positioned itself as a market leader by deploying and integrating the latest imaging equipment and personalization solutions available to enhance our
customers’ critical direct mail needs, continually striving for ways to enhance ROI while expediting
direct mail processes to ensure timely deliverables with our proven production methodologies.
• Web & Sheet-fed personalization
• Secure Biometric access
• On-Site USPS personnel
For over 20 years AID has provided its customers worldwide the tools and experience to get results –
proven results! Our collective talents ensure that you, our client, is offered the most effective direct mail
options available. We offer the most up-to-date imaging and personalization solutions giving our clients an
advantage – the ROI advantage. Our knowledge of critical mailing processes takes the guess-work out of
the job to ensure timely deliveries.
HIPAA Compliant
PCI Security Certification
(Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard)
GLB compliant (Gramm-Leach-Biley Act 1999 –
Financial Data Privacy)
BITS compliant (Best Practice IT Security)
SOC-2 Certification, (In Audit Process)
G7 Color Management
USPS Optional Procedures, Dismiss,
E-Induction and Seamless Acceptance